Trump starts a presidential shitcoin
I normally avoid coarse language in the blockchain blog — but honestly, what else can you say about $TRUMP.
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
I normally avoid coarse language in the blockchain blog — but honestly, what else can you say about $TRUMP.
Pumping bitcoin for fun and no profit.
I ask one thing of you — please review Libra Shrugged!
POLICE TO BLACKMAILER: Let’s meet in person, so we can hand you the untraceable cryptocurrency in full view of a surveillance camera.
And some light summer reading.
“I think sophisticated market investors can judge for themselves if 2+2 makes 5, or even 6. As Bruce Springsteen sang, ‘it’s just like Sister Ray said.’”
“It has been [0] days since the last inexplicably rare loss of customer funds from a Bitcoin exchange”