Crypto collapse: Genesis vs. DCG, Celsius payouts failing, Terra-Luna extraditions, what 3AC did next, Craig Wright
Su and Kyle’s bogus journey.
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
Su and Kyle’s bogus journey.
History always repeats, but only the dumb stuff.
“The trick in the game is to make losers feel like they are winners, and one of the means of getting them into the trade is by paying them a yield to take on risks they don’t understand.”
Q. What do you call unsmokeable mushrooms?
A. Non-Tokeable Fungi.
Pavel Durov is delighted to share that he can finally pay back the guys who put money into the Telegram ICO, and that he will continue to enjoy the use of his limbs.
“Bitcoin is Scientology with thetan resale value.”
The price went up in a triangular Fibonacci double-reacharound formation, moderated somewhat by both Makemake and Haumea being in Libra.
Paypal-but-it’s-Facebook, with US dollars. The European Central Bank is likely to still hate the idea.
Crypto asked for regulatory clarity, and they’re getting it! Good and hard.
“I’m going to put a lot of money into three card monte. Everyone I watch who plays it wins: it’s a sure bet.”