Crypto is going: Coinbase sues FDIC and SEC under FOIA, Epoch Times crypto money laundering, Consumers’ Research vs Tether, FTX/Salame, Terra settles with SEC
85 years old and still running Ponzis? Now that’s a work ethic.
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
85 years old and still running Ponzis? Now that’s a work ethic.
The precise thing you would expect from a rich and successful libertarian who suddenly decides he knows more about tax laws than his own lawyers.
We are all Satoshi. Not you, Craig.
Su and Kyle’s bogus journey.
Moron-Backed Securities and Collateralized Rugpull Obligations.
“Submarines are like Bitcoin. The billionaires in them prove that billionaires aren’t very smart.”
What ho, Kwoff’s the name. Dont Kwoff. “Bot-coins,” my good fellow? Never heard of ’em. Sounds like piffle and nonsense. Must rush, just off to Dubai. Cheerio, toodle pip!
“I think we’re shortly to find that embedded leverage in the sector was far, far higher than anyone, even its most ardent critics, expected.”