News: Everybody hates Chia, Defi100 rugpull, China versus mining, China versus crypto
Q. What do you call unsmokeable mushrooms?
A. Non-Tokeable Fungi.
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
Q. What do you call unsmokeable mushrooms?
A. Non-Tokeable Fungi.
“Maybe your cryptocurrency is different. But look: you’re in really poor company. When you’re the only honest person in the room, maybe you should be in a different room.”
“Bitcoin is Scientology with thetan resale value.”
There’s no evidence that Facebook’s cleared Diem with regulators in the US, the EU and Switzerland — as they pinky-swore they would absolutely do before launch. But I’m sure they wouldn’t go back on their word.
I get my crypto market insights by watching the remote-viewing guy draw pictures of his psychic impressions on YouTube.
“If the business channel you watch leads its forex ticker with buttcoin price, you should switch the channel.”
I have been scammed 6 months ago. Now someone is calling me from BTC REFUND DEPARTMENT. He said that I have under my name the bitcoins that have been scammed. Is this a scam?
Digital gold, Bitcoin mining, CBDCs, DC/EP, Libra and Facebook, corporate crypto purchases, Avalanche and mathcoins, Tether and what happens when the music stops. And Craig Wright.
Filecoin: Must die, bye bye, bye bye.