News: DeFi in full mania, Australian Senate fintech report, Bank of England on Libra, Care Bears on the blockchain
HOW TO DESTROY ETHEREUM: use it for something. This cripples it every time.
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
HOW TO DESTROY ETHEREUM: use it for something. This cripples it every time.
If you could put two flies crawling up a wall on the blockchain, I’m pretty sure crypto day traders would bet on fly futures.
Markets are completely screwed, nobody knows what anything is worth, and the hard problem is keeping everyone in basic food and shelter. Nobody cares about your novelty crypto collectibles.
“Fire and Fury” seems to be a title that shifts copies, so let’s see how it goes.
Sichuan Electric Power Corporation is shutting down Bitcoin miners, as more hydroelectric plants join the grid. This comes just as Bitcoin Cash has been wielding miner support against Bitcoin. What happens next?