China is kicking out Bitcoin mining — what happens next
China is pushing out Bitcoin, starting immediately. What will this do to Bitcoin?
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
China is pushing out Bitcoin, starting immediately. What will this do to Bitcoin?
In a survey of 1000 US investors, none — actually zero — thought owning Bitcoin was a good idea.
“The market can stay irrational longer than you can retain hope for humanity.”
Plus good papers, opinion pieces and followups. And why surveys claiming amazing mainstream crypto uptake!! are made-up rubbish. Also, go hear Edmund Schuster and Angela Walch on Tuesday afternoon.
Craig S. Wright, the man who failed to be Satoshi, turns out to be… not such a good coder.
The possibility of it being worth someone’s while to just DDOS you is almost never mentioned as a problem with smart contracts.
I posted about the KashMiner that never was, five days before the BBC.
Did you know that Bitcoin using 0.1% of all the electricity on earth, and 0.5% by the end of the year, is actually good? Huge if true.
Crypto Fools’ Day is, of course, January 9. In cryptocurrency, every day is January 9.
Plus some good recent opinion pieces, and book news.