Crypto collapse: DCG’s check kiting comes home to roost, Nexo raided, Voyager sale to Binance progresses, unbanking the banked
Don’t cash it until 2032, okay.
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
Don’t cash it until 2032, okay.
We’re all trying to find the guy who did this, but in stereo.
* within acceptable margins of error
The correct regulator for crypto is the Department of Justice.
Is it time for a new tattoo?
Some assets belong to individual creditors, not to the bankruptcy estate. But the details have to be worked out.
The word “liquidation” came up a few times in the first hearing. This ice cube is melting fast.
Celsius used the finest accounting software known to crypto: a Google spreadsheet.
When the judge brings up the word “Ponzi” …
“I kept up the bluff, hoping that I might eventually hit upon some workable plan to pay all my creditors in full.”
— Charles Ponzi