News: Bitcoin goes up, Reggie Fowler’s lawyers quit, Pokémon, ancaps buy a plague ship
And Decrypt is running an excerpt from Libra Shrugged.
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
And Decrypt is running an excerpt from Libra Shrugged.
And some light summer reading.
Call all you want, but there’s no one home. And you’re not gonna reach my telephone.
After Quadriga, Canadian regulators feel they need a much bigger stick to deal with crypto.
HOW DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING? Oh yeah, I forgot — it’s crypto.
Ethereum is the World Computer! As long as you don’t try to use it for any sort of real application.
How to get through Bitfinex’s bulletproof Know Your Customer process — click the “Not a US Resident” button.
Shocked, shocked to hear of yet more crypto fraud in Canada!
“craig wright is not satoshi, in the exact same way that you or i are not satoshi” — Boxturret.
Canada has a sudden interest in regulating cryptocurrency.