Amy and David’s sure-fire* analyst predictions on crypto for 2024!
2023 was the year of Sam Bankman-Fried! Just not in the way he was hoping.
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
2023 was the year of Sam Bankman-Fried! Just not in the way he was hoping.
Bitcoin can become a tire fire for real.
It’s always shenanigans.
“The Allegedly Manipulative Trading Identified by the SEC was Entirely Appropriate.”
“Downside risk is if fincen or ofac has concrete evidence we have sanction users, they might try to investigate or blow it up big on worldstage”
Your honor, please. Sam is a growing boy. He needs his crimes.
And in conclusion, [redacted]
We can confirm that we are in fact having a whale of a time staying poor. Few.