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Craig S. Wright, the man who failed to be Satoshi, turns out to be… not such a good coder.
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
Craig S. Wright, the man who failed to be Satoshi, turns out to be… not such a good coder.
Because what Minecraft really needed was a cryptocurrency ICO. Or perhaps not.
DPW would do far better just selling the electricity locally. This plan doesn’t make sense as a business.
The possibility of it being worth someone’s while to just DDOS you is almost never mentioned as a problem with smart contracts.
The FOIA request denial from the CFTC over Bitfinex and Tether is particularly interesting.
It wasn’t widely circulated — but I have a copy of the KodakOne Confidential Offering Memorandum. The official, authoritative statement of what WENN Digital are trying to sell you.
Bitcoin explained: “imagine if keeping your car idling 24/7 produced solved Sudokus you could trade for heroin.”
To be fair, even an accredited investor should realise that if you’re buying “unicorn gold,” the name might be a warning sign.
ICO tokens are (almost certainly) securities — and “free” promotional bounties are a sale of securities.
Alli and I really need to get on with the T-shirt and merchandise selection.