When you sell tokens, don’t claim SEC approval — Simex and bad ideas
Also, don’t lie about registering your offering. Also, there are reasons there aren’t any crypto-backed credit cards.
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
Also, don’t lie about registering your offering. Also, there are reasons there aren’t any crypto-backed credit cards.
You can see the clear synergies between an Ethereum development house and asteroid mining … right?
Saar Wilf, founder of Initiative Q, just emailed a response to my June post and October followup. With his permission, I’m reprinting it here.
The technical term for “immutable smart contract, immune to human interference” is “sitting duck for hackers.”
I’m so sorry.
(not sorry really)
Nearly half the crypto media outlets refused payola! That’s good, right?
My June post on Initiative Q takes off, I talk on BBC Radio about it, and Q’s economist talks about Bitcoin.
The widely-reported quote was: “For every use of blockchain that you would consider today there is a better technology.” The full transcript goes into more nuance.
“The market can stay irrational longer than you can retain hope for humanity.”
A fully-worked example of Silicon Valley tunnel vision, where bitcoiners’ dreams of the grim meathook post-apocalyptic Mad Max petrolpunk future have come true.