Mone and Barrowman’s Dubai Bitcoin property scheme: for holders with more bitcoins than sense
I sometimes wonder at PR companies trying to declare unsolicited and unarranged “embargoes” when emailing non-fluff journalists.
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
I sometimes wonder at PR companies trying to declare unsolicited and unarranged “embargoes” when emailing non-fluff journalists.
What is KSI Blockchain, the technology at the heart of Estonia’s heavily-publicised Blockchain™ initiatives? Answer: less than it appears. Firstly, it’s not actually a blockchain.
To write an ICO white paper, you must: 1. State a problem. 2. Assert that ERC-20 tokens on the Ethereum blockchain will solve it. I don’t think there are any other steps.
An explanation of what’s behind Bitcoin Cash versus Bitcoin, what it all means and what you should do now.
What’s been happening with Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain, and how you can help.
Short bits from the past few days.
Protostarr is an aspiring entertainment industry company that was running an ICO. The ICO has been shut down after a call from the SEC. And they’re not the only ones to get a call.
Startup funding is always a tricky one. How about an ICO for struggling instant messaging startup Kik to get money from crypto gamblers without diluting their ownership? Offering a “general purpose cryptocurrency” to take cryptocurrency “mainstream,” that’s only slightly completely centralised.
Today’s blockchain post is over at my music blog, Rocknerd — about Opus (streaming record distribution on the blockchain), Viberate (live music on the blockchain) and Kim Dotcom’s (Dotcom being Dotcom on the blockchain). All of these have an ICO, of course, and two have convicted felons!
Bitcoin is clogging again, and transaction fees are going up again. I tweeted about this and a normal person I know, to whom this was news, worked out what this meant …