Crypto collapse: Bankman-Fried trial draws to a close, SafeMoon arrested, fourth US bank failure was crypto
“I looked at his picture and thought, There’s something wrong going on with him.”
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
“I looked at his picture and thought, There’s something wrong going on with him.”
It woz my lawyers wot done it.
Your honor, please. Sam is a growing boy. He needs his crimes.
Decentralisation was always a phantom. Every process in Bitcoin tends to centralisation. Plus: a history of Bitcoin Cash.
Pavel Durov is delighted to share that he can finally pay back the guys who put money into the Telegram ICO, and that he will continue to enjoy the use of his limbs.
“Bitcoin is Scientology with thetan resale value.”
Markets are completely screwed, nobody knows what anything is worth, and the hard problem is keeping everyone in basic food and shelter. Nobody cares about your novelty crypto collectibles.
“It has been [0] days since the last inexplicably rare loss of customer funds from a Bitcoin exchange”
I asked some crypto contacts what questions normal people have been asking them about Facebook’s whacky crypto-Bitcoiny thing — and any questions they had themselves.
How to get through Bitfinex’s bulletproof Know Your Customer process — click the “Not a US Resident” button.