I hear bitcoin is supposed to be good now. Is it a new bubble yet?
Plus some enterprises not on the blockchain.
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
Plus some enterprises not on the blockchain.
Even as the price went up through 2023, every day people wanted bitcoins less and less.
A huge Rube Goldberg machine slapstick custard pie clown car, where each custard pie triggers three more custard pies.
And the central bank that sent its hacker dick pics.
Is this THE END OF CRYPTO?? We should be so lucky.
I did a talk for William Quinn’s final year fintech class at Queen’s University Belfast. 1 hour talk, 1 hour questions.
Decentralisation was always a phantom. Every process in Bitcoin tends to centralisation. Plus: a history of Bitcoin Cash.
Asset bubbles are fragile, but we still have Tether.
Crypto: “Take us seriously!”
FinCEN, Treasury: “Sure!”
Crypto: “No, not like that,”
John McAfee did promise to eat his own dick if BTC didn’t hit $500,000 by the end of 2020. So maybe this is a last ditch McAfee penis pump.