News: India crypto ban, North Korea, BitMEX execs to appear, IBM Blockchain dead, more McAfee charges
“Bitcoin is Scientology with thetan resale value.”
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
“Bitcoin is Scientology with thetan resale value.”
I get my crypto market insights by watching the remote-viewing guy draw pictures of his psychic impressions on YouTube.
Perhaps they could change the ticker from XRP to RIP.
Filecoin: Must die, bye bye, bye bye.
And Bitcoin nearly hits $100,000! … for a very brief time.
And some light summer reading.
“I think sophisticated market investors can judge for themselves if 2+2 makes 5, or even 6. As Bruce Springsteen sang, ‘it’s just like Sister Ray said.’”
“It has been [0] days since the last inexplicably rare loss of customer funds from a Bitcoin exchange”