Tag: kyle s. gibson

News: Cooking Mama and blockchain, the Halvening and Bitcoin Cash, Simple Assurance of Future Trouble, Kraken, Craig Wright: Craigness
Markets are completely screwed, nobody knows what anything is worth, and the hard problem is keeping everyone in basic food and shelter. Nobody cares about your novelty crypto collectibles.
ShapeShift and CipherBlade: money laundering accusations, and shells within shells
There’s stuff you can’t say in a proper magazine with offices and so on. So here’s a few DVD extras from the Decrypt article on ShapeShift and CipherBlade.
Decrypt: The fictional trading reserve — by me, after Tether announced that the skeptics had been right all along
So, it turns out that Bitfinex’ed was right about everything.
News: Quadriga, the merchant case for cryptos, Ripple, Malta, Coinbase buys Neutrino, CoinHive shuts down, EOS hack, Tether on TRON
“It shows how an accused fraudster might sell himself and his fantastical story using the modern tools of the internet age.”