Crypto collapse: Genesis vs. DCG, Celsius payouts failing, Terra-Luna extraditions, what 3AC did next, Craig Wright
Su and Kyle’s bogus journey.
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
Su and Kyle’s bogus journey.
Moron-Backed Securities and Collateralized Rugpull Obligations.
It woz my lawyers wot done it.
The Mashinsky Method: mycrimes.epub
And predictions of the near future.
“In five years a number of banks will not be around because of blockchain technology.” — Joseph DiPaolo, Signature Bank, 2018
That’s as good as money, sir. Those are IOUs. Go ahead and add it up, every cent’s accounted for.
I will gladly pay you GBTC on Tuesday for a hamburger today.
They say damp records the past. If that’s so, I’ve got the biggest library yet.
Proof-of-stake will still be a vast improvement over proof-of-work. In all other senses, none of this matters.