Tag: blockchain association

News: DRM on JPEG images on the blockchain, BlockFi user data breached, TornadoCash mixer goes full DAO, the plant cuttings asset bubble
If you could put two flies crawling up a wall on the blockchain, I’m pretty sure crypto day traders would bet on fly futures.

News: Purse.io shuts down, Chinese CBDC test, new Libra member Heifer, North Korea does not dump its bitcoins
Zack Voell from CoinDesk fights the good fight to destroy the crypto markets, and do Buttcoin — and North Korea — proud.

News: Coronavirus kills conferences, India un-bans crypto, Bitcoin catches a cold
“FCA are like the SEC If they forgot to do their job, ever” — Ben Munster
News: Jacob Kostecki and Massive Adoption, Quadriga, Vodafone hangs up on Libra
When you’re a serial foulup — with other people’s money, not just your own — running a conference is ill-advised.
News: Bitcoin’s $13,000 not-even-a-bubble, how Tether say Tether works, Craig Wright shows up in Florida, Facebook Libra
I’d question even calling this a “bubble” — because there’s no evidence of an influx of retail get-rich-quick dreamers. The only visible cause is manipulation.