Bitcoin goes up, so it must come down. What goes into the price of BTC?
Even as the price went up through 2023, every day people wanted bitcoins less and less.
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
Even as the price went up through 2023, every day people wanted bitcoins less and less.
And Tether cracks 100 billion USDT. Probably just a coincidence.
There can only ever be 21 million bitcoin memes.
Moron-Backed Securities and Collateralized Rugpull Obligations.
Boy, those ETFs were the juice bitcoin really needed, eh?
Pumping bitcoin for fun and no profit.
The SEC hates crypto and doesn’t want to allow a bitcoin ETF. But it may have to.
The visible thumb on the scale of the market.
Inch the Inchworm, his Ty askew, hitting the sauce after checking his altcoin portfolio.
It’s always shenanigans.