Tag: bitcoin widow

News: BBC pulls crypto documentary, sports NFT failures, mining in Siberia
“Does Anyone else working in a crypto company feel this is all a scam?”

News: World Wildlife NFT, Diem sale details, ECCB DCash offline
Admittedly, NFTs are not as bad as that time the WWF ended up funding mercenaries to rape, torture and kill suspected poachers. Whoops!

News: Twitter hexagons, Binance plays at compliance, Bitcoin Widow tour, Russia
I changed my own Twitter avatar to a pentagon, to show my allegiance to the fiat petrodollar.

News: El Salvador phone tapping, Bitcoin in Tonga, Associated Press NFTs, books
President Bukele’s office denies everything, and doubtless won’t rest until they find the real hacker.

Jennifer Robertson: Bitcoin Widow — Quadriga? I know nothing! Nothing!
“So the truth is, I didn’t know all that much about Gerry or his business.” Well, so much for the one reason we’re reading this.