Tag: bank of england

News: Crypto crime statistics, Axie Infinity hack, Kevin Roose debunked, Lightning Network speed, NFT lawsuits
I shall henceforth be calling Bitcoin mining “extreme bingo.”

News: Stopping ransomware, China hates miners, Ecuador CBDC history, NFTs still too hard to buy
Things happened that aren’t in El Salvador!

News: Coinbase goes public, Bitcoin hashrate goes down, NFTs go down, proof-of-space trashes hard disk market

News: DeFi in full mania, Australian Senate fintech report, Bank of England on Libra, Care Bears on the blockchain
HOW TO DESTROY ETHEREUM: use it for something. This cripples it every time.

News: Numbers go down, MakerDAO, but mostly coronavirus
You can’t buy pies with bitcoins. Or respirators.
News: London Football Exchange and Perth Glory, Ripple pays MoneyGram to be its friend, Libra not dead, IOTA still halted, Sweden’s not-a-CBDC
“I think sophisticated market investors can judge for themselves if 2+2 makes 5, or even 6. As Bruce Springsteen sang, ‘it’s just like Sister Ray said.’”
The IMF’s central bank digital currency push is not about crypto — it’s about centralising banking
Control addiction, and the fallacy of big data.