The beautiful mind of Sam Bankman-Fried
They want you to think they’re the next Steve Jobs. Somehow, they keep turning out to be Elizabeth Holmes.
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
They want you to think they’re the next Steve Jobs. Somehow, they keep turning out to be Elizabeth Holmes.
“Please, God, I don’t ask for much from You. But give me this. A video of a sad cryptobro, trying to get a beat cop to make a police report about his stolen ape jpeg.”
Pavel Durov is delighted to share that he can finally pay back the guys who put money into the Telegram ICO, and that he will continue to enjoy the use of his limbs.
“Bitcoin is Scientology with thetan resale value.”
Crypto asked for regulatory clarity, and they’re getting it! Good and hard.
“Hey everyone. Is it normal and safe to buy bitcoin by mailing envelopes full of cash to someone? Let me know.”
“Well, let me get this straight. A company you didn’t buy until 2014 is listed as a beneficiary of a trust document you claimed was formed in 2012?”