Proof-of-Stake is better than Proof-of-Work — but Ethereum’s Merge won’t fix any other problem with cryptocurrency
Proof-of-stake will still be a vast improvement over proof-of-work. In all other senses, none of this matters.
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
Proof-of-stake will still be a vast improvement over proof-of-work. In all other senses, none of this matters.
If you look at a “Web3” offering and just think of it as a pump-and-dump onto retail investors, everything will make much more sense.
“Please, God, I don’t ask for much from You. But give me this. A video of a sad cryptobro, trying to get a beat cop to make a police report about his stolen ape jpeg.”
Decentralisation was always a phantom. Every process in Bitcoin tends to centralisation. Plus: a history of Bitcoin Cash.
Girlfriend on the blockchain, I know it’s serious.
The technical term for “immutable smart contract, immune to human interference” is “sitting duck for hackers.”
And Ian Bogost on protecting the plums in your icebox.