News: SEC on ICO tokens (they’re probably securities), Vanbex fraud, regulating crypto mining, crypto for care homes
Shocked, shocked to hear of yet more crypto fraud in Canada!
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
Shocked, shocked to hear of yet more crypto fraud in Canada!
And lots of good opinion pieces.
If you made up the Quadriga saga as a story about lost pirate treasure, the target audience would have to be about four, because eight year olds wouldn’t buy it.
Girlfriend on the blockchain, I know it’s serious.
Finally — Blockchain comes to the Apple II!
And the week’s opinion pieces — some sane and lucid … some not so much.
“Despite all the hype about how blockchain will bring unheralded transparency to processes and operations in low-trust environments, the industry is itself opaque.”
Any company that tries to pay your wages in company scrip — rather than actual money — should be treated as fraudulent trash.
What to do if you were foolish enough to run an ICO in the US and want to make good.
“I AM Satoshi” — Craig S. Wright, 3 November 2018.