Tech Won’t Save Us: Jack Dorsey’s Embrace of Crypto-Libertarianism
I’m on Paris Marx’s podcast Tech Won’t Save Us, talking about Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey and just what the heck it is he believes and wants.
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain
Blockchain and cryptocurrency news and analysis by David Gerard
I’m on Paris Marx’s podcast Tech Won’t Save Us, talking about Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey and just what the heck it is he believes and wants.
With a sufficiently awful public disaster, there’s always room for more scorching.
Another in the SEC’s series of cases against unregistered crypto security broking.
85 years old and still running Ponzis? Now that’s a work ethic.
Elevator pitch: “Web 3 Is Going Great, but it’s AI.”
Enterprise blockchain never made any sense.
Maybe Coinbase can be the next stupid CeFi firm.
We go through my general background and how I wrote Attack, but also a pile of stuff about current events in crypto.
Tether is Liberty Reserve but on the blockchain.
“I could easily get him to pay me $125,000 for a jug of something called Diarrhea Water in the understanding that it would ‘detoxify his beard.'”