Video Q&A for patrons — Thursday 8 August at 16:00 UTC!

We’ve decided to do something nice for the lovely people who send us money every month just to write good.

If you’re a $5-or-more monthly subscriber on Amy’s or David’s Patreon, we invite you to join our video Q&A!

We’ll be doing this via Zoom on Thursday, August 8, at 16:00 UTC — that’s 9 am PST, 12 pm EST, or 5 pm BST.

Questions can be about cryptocurrency, AI or anything else we write about.

We realise not everyone can show up for the live session — so as well as taking questions live, we’ll be taking questions from patrons beforehand.

But you have to be a $5-and-up patron to be in it. Here’s Amy’s Patreon and here’s David’s. Sign up today!


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