From the print edition (US, UK)
8chan 53
A company for carrying on an undertaking of great advantage, but nobody to know what it is 100
Accenture 122
address 12
AIDS Trojan 72
AllCrypt 43
Alloway, Tracy 111
AlphaBay 72
AlphaPoint 84
altcoins 91
Altoid 51
Amazon Web Services 43, 98
anarcho-capitalism 18, 49
Andresen, Gavin 65
anonymity 26, 52
AntMiner 57
Apple 127, 137
arbitrage 83, 88
artificial intelligence 103, 117, 137
Ash, Jordan 96
Astrobotic 94
Atlantis 54
Augur 104
Australian Securities Exchange 121
Australian Tax Office 63
Austrian economics 23, 49, 98, 137
Automattic 75
Ayre, Calvin 63
Azure Blockchain 122
b-money 19
Back, Adam 19
Bancor 95, 97
Bandcamp 130
banking the unbanked 29
baphomet (8chan) 53
BBC 32, 66
Beanie Baby 35
Berklee Rethink 128
BFX 85
creation of new bitcoins 14
economic aims 22
economic equality 30
exchanges 42
invention 20
irreversibility 26
limited supply 31
Satoshi Nakamoto (creator) 59
security 25
transactions per second 28
Bitcoin Bowl 77
Bitcoin Jesus 37
Bitcoin Mining Accidents 55
Bitcoin Relay Network 58
Bitcoin Savings & Trust 40
Bitcoinica 43, 83 35
Bitcointalk 40, 41
Bitfinex 40, 83
BitGo 84
Bitgold 19
Bitmain 57
Bitomat 43
BitPay 43, 74
BitShares 99
BitTorrent 130, 134
Blem Information Management 116
blockchain 13
blockchain (business) 111
Blockchain for Creative Industries 132
Blockchain or the Chaingang? 133
Bloomberg 117
Branwen, Gwern 60, 64, 72
Bretton Woods 20
Bridges, Shaun 53
brockchainbrockshize 108
BTC38 99
bubble 35, 81, 88, 94, 139
Budovsky, Arthur 18
Buffett, Jimmy 40
Burning Chrome 19
Buterin, Vitalik 86, 94, 96, 103, 119
Buttcoin Foundation 27, 56
Butterfly Labs 39, 56
Byrne, Patrick 76
C01N 65
Californian ideology 18
Cards Against Humanity 75
Cellan-Jones, Rory 67
Chain Core 123
Charles Sturt University 61
Chaum, David 19
Citrix 73
cloud mining 39
Cloudcroft 65
Cloudflare 44
Cobban, Cédric 135
CODE 136
coin doubler 38 74
Coinbase 74, 81, 82
CoinDesk 122 91
CoinLab 47
cold wallet 12
consensus model 91, 119
ConsenSys 129, 136
Conversation, The 62
Cooper, Charley 111
Corda 123
Crypto Anarchist Manifesto 19
cryptocurrency 11
Cryptography and Cryptography Policy (mailing list) 20, 23
CryptoLocker 73
Cryptonomicon 19 83
Cryptsy 44
Cunk, Philomena 124
Curecoin 91
cyberlibertarianism 17
cyberpunk 19
Cypherpunks 19, 62
Cyprus 32
DafuqCoin 91
Dai, Wei 19, 65
DAO, The 105, 108, 122, 135
dapp 94
darknet 37, 48, 69, 70, 71
decentralisation 25, 112
DeMorgan 63
DigiCash 19
Digital Asset Holdings 121, 122
Digital Catapult 125, 134
Digital Rights Management 127, 135
Digix 98
distributed ledger technology 111, 131
Distributed Ledger Technology: beyond block chain 123
Doernberg, Ben 93
Dogecoin 92
Dogecoin Foundation 93
dot.blockchain 135
Dr. Strangelove 101
Dread Pirate Roberts 49
DRM 123, 124, 127, 135, 136
e-Gold 18, 62, 72
Early, Steve 78
economies of scale 25, 58
Economist, The 37, 66
eDonkey 45
Electrum wallet 66
EOS 98
ERC-20 97
ether 94
Ethereum 72, 88, 94, 106, 116, 129, 136
Ethereum Classic 110
Ethereum Foundation 109, 136
Ethereum Virtual Machine 106
F-Secure 73
Facebook 113
Fair Music: Transparency and Payment Flows in the Music Industry 128
Falkvinge, Rick 38
Far Wilds, The 45
Fast Internet Bitcoin Relay Engine 58
FBI MoneyPak 73
Featured Artists Coalition 130
fees 26, 69
Fields Medal 96
Finney, Hal 20, 31, 59
Firefox 76
Folding@Home 91
Foldingcoin 91
Force, Carl Mark IV 53
Forrest, Katherine B. 53
Francis, Ryan 93
Frank, Anne 48
Free Talk Live 37, 50 53
Freicoin 91
Frosty 51
Frou Frou 129
Funke Kupper, Elmer 121
Fusion 65
Future of Bitcoin Conference 68
Garzik, Jeff 50
gas 94
Gawker 37, 50
Gentle, Ryan 93 58
Gibson, William 19
Gini coefficient 30
Git 112, 122
Gizmodo 64
Global Repertoire Database 128, 134
Gnosis 98
gold bug 20
gold standard 20
Golem 98
Golumbia, David 141
Goodman, Leah McGrath 64
Google 127
GovernMental 107
GPU 55
GQ 66
Great Depression 20
Greece 32
Green, Alex 93
Greenberg, Andy 64
Grigg, Ian 62
Gupta, Vinay 129
halting problem 110
hash 13
Hashcash 19
Hearn, Mike 65
high-yield investment program 38, 40
Hoppe, Hans-Herman 24
hot wallet 12
Hotwire PE 63
Huobi 82
Hyperledger 113, 121, 122
IBM 113, 115, 121, 122
IBM Blockchain 122
ICO 88, 95, 97, 139
Iconomi 98
immutability 11, 105
Imogen Heap 129
Individual Pubs 78
Industrialisation of Distributed Ledger Technology in Banking and Financial Services 115
Initial Coin Offering 88, 97
Initial Crowdfunding Offering 97
Intel 123
Intel® Software Guard Extensions™ 123
InterPlanetary File System 131, 135
IPFS 131
iTunes 129, 130, 131
Jamaican bobsled team 93
JavaScript 107
John Birch Society 17, 21
Kaminska, Izabella 141
Karpelès, Mark 45, 52, 87
Kennedy, Ryan 93
Kenya 93
key 12
King of the Ether 106
Kleiman, Dave 64
Know Your Customer 81
Kobalt 126
Kraken 44
Kurzweil, Ray 137
KYC/AML 81, 87
Larimer, Danny 98
Ledger Labs Inc 86
Lestak, Robert 76
Levine, Matt 104, 117, 141
Li, Xiaolai 99
libertarianism 17
Liberty Reserve 18, 72
Lightning Network 28, 70
Litecoin 32, 92
LocalBitcoins 32, 81, 93
log.txt 51
London Review of Books 64
Lubin, Joseph 136
LulzSec 62
M-Pesa 29
MacGregor, Robert 63
Mackay, Charles 35, 141
Madoff, Bernie 38
Magic: The Gathering Online Exchange 45
MagicalTux 45
Making Blockchain Ready for Business 113
Malmi, Martti 35, 45
margin trading 42, 83
Markus bot 82
Mason, Nick 132
Mastercard 36
Masters, Blythe 122
Matonis, Jon 66
Matthews, Stefan 63
May, Tim 19
McCaleb, Jed 45
Meharry, Mark 125
Memory Dealers 37
mempool 70
Merkle tree 13, 112
micropayment 26
Microsoft 95, 107, 122
miner 13
mining 14, 55
Mintpal 93
Mises, Ludwig von 23, 49
mixer 26, 84
MMM 82
Mochizuki, Shinichi 59
Monero 72, 74
MoneyPak 73
Moolah 93
Mozilla 76
MP3 127
Mr. Bitcoin 77
Mt. Gox 37, 44, 62, 82, 139
MTFLabs 132, 137
Mullins, Eustace 17, 21
Music On The Blockchain 132
MusicGlue 125
MusicTechFest 132
MyBus 75
Mycelia 129
mycrimes.txt 51
Nakamoto, Dorian 59, 60
Nakamoto, Satoshi 20, 22, 48, 59, 61, 122
Namecoin 91
NASA 105, 107
nChain 68
nCrypt 65
Netflix 130
New York Times 32, 64
Newsweek 60, 64
NHS 73, 113
Nicolle, Raphael 40, 89
nonce 14
nTrust 63
O’Hagan, Andrew 63
OKCoin 82
Open Music Initiative 134
OpenOffice 59
oracle problem 103, 117 76
Palmer, Jackson 93
Paul, Ron 21, 49
PayPal 18, 28, 36, 62
PC Cyborg Trojan 72
Pedersen, Allen 66
PeerTracks 134
Pembury Tavern 79
Penn State 49
permissioned blockchain 119
Pink Floyd 132
Pirate Bay, The 92, 136
Pirateat40 37, 40, 89
police virus 72
Ponzi 30, 38, 107
PonzICO 100
Popper, Nathaniel 64, 141
Potter, Phil 87
praxeology 23 99
Project Black Flag 54
Proof of Elapsed Time 123
Proof of Stake 91, 94
Proof of Work 13, 91, 94, 118, 131
prosecution futures 52
provably fair gambling 39
Provenance, Inc. 116
pump-and-dump 30
quantum computer 96
R3 Blockchain Consortium 111, 123
R3 Corda 123
ransomware 69, 72
RationalWiki 141
Reason (magazine) 31 29
Recording Industry Association of America 45
Recovery Right Token 86
Bitfinex discussion 87
/r/bitcoin 38, 69, 75, 76
/r/buttcoin 143
/r/dogecoin 93
remittances 28
Revelator 135
Ripple 48
Rodrigue, Jean-Paul 36
Rogers, Benji 135
Ron, Dorit 30
Rothbard, Murray 24, 49
RRT 86
Rubixi 108
RuneScape 39
Sandifer, Elizabeth 24
Sartre, Jean-Paul 67
SatoshiDice 111
Sawtooth Lake 123
secured by math 13, 25, 27, 57
Semetric 134
SGI 65
SGX™ 123
SHA-256 96
Shamir, Adi 30
ShapeShift 130
Shavers, Trendon 40
Sheep Marketplace 54
Shiba Inu 92
sidechains 28, 70
SiliconAngle 67
Silk Road 26, 37, 48, 64, 69
Silk Road 2.0 54
Silver, Jeremy 125, 133
SingularDTV 98, 136
Singularity 137
Skunk House 71
Slashdot 36, 45 108
smart contract 94
SNT 98
Solarstorm 107
Solidity 106, 107, 109, 122
Sony 127
SoundExchange 126
South Sea Bubble 35
Spotify 130, 131, 137
St. Petersburg Bowl 77
Status 95, 98
Stellar 48
Stephenson, Neal 19
streaming 127
Szabo, Nick 19, 32, 59, 101, 102, 105, 107
TAO, The 135
TechUK 115
Telstra 73
Temkin, Max 75
Thiel, Peter 18
Thornburg, Jonathan 23
Tiny Human 129
Today (Radio 4) 67
Todd, Peter 59, 68
Top500 65
Tor 49, 59
Tual, Stephen 109
Tucker, Jeffrey 40
Tulip Mania 35
Tulip Trust 64
Turing completeness 107
Ujo Music 129
UK Government Office for Science 123
Ukash 73
Ulbricht, Lyn 53
Ulbricht, Ross 26, 48, 64
unbanked 29
Underhanded C Contest 106
Underhanded Solidity Coding Contest 106
Venezuela 31
Ver, Roger 17, 37, 44, 47, 48, 50
virtual reality 135
Visa 28, 36
wallet 12
Walpole, Sir Mark 123
WannaCry 73
Washington Post 32
Wells Fargo 87
Western Union 28
Westwood, Adam 64
WhollyHemp 76
WikiLeaks 36, 62
Wikimedia Foundation 76
Wikipedia 76
Wilcke, Jeffrey 94
Willybot 82
Winter Olympics 93
Wired 64
Wise, Josh 93
Wood, Gavin 94
WordPress 75
Wright Family Trust 63
Wright, Craig 61, 139
Yapizon 89
YouTube 137
Zamovskiy, Andrey 120
Zero Hedge 24
Zhoutong 83
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